Center for Coordination Science (CCS)
MIT Sloan School of Management
One Amherst Street E40-169
Cambridge MA 02139 USA
(617) 253-6796
This paper describes a novel knowledge-based approach for helping workflow
process designers and participants better manage the exceptions (deviations
from an ideal collaborative work process caused by errors, failures, resource
or requirements changes etc.) that can occur during the enactment of a
workflow. This approach is based on exploiting a generic and reusable body
of knowledge concerning what kinds of exceptions can occur in collaborative
work processes, how these exceptions can be detected, and how they can
be resolved. This work builds upon previous efforts from the MIT Process
Handbook project and from research on conflict management in collaborative
A critical challenge for workflow systems is their ability to respond
effectively when "exceptions" occur (Strong 1992); (Suchman 1983);
(Grudin 1994); (Mi and Scacchi 1991); (Karbe and Ramsberger 1990) (Kreifelts
and Woetzel 1987) [Chiu, 1997 #3562. We can consider an exception to be
any departure from a process that achieves the process goals completely
and with maximum efficiency. Exceptions can arise from changes in resources,
organizational structure, company policy, task requirements or task priority.
They can also include incorrectly or tardily performed tasks, resource
contentions between two or more distinct processes, unanticipated opportunities
to merge or eliminate tasks, conflicts between actions taken in different
process steps and so on.
Exceptions can be frequent and extremely disruptive (Saastamoinen 1995).
They often are not detected until some task actually becomes late, at which
point they are typically handled as "fires", are kicked up to
higher management layers for resolution, and can cause cascading exceptions
as normal work is shoved aside. Exceptions often do not have standardized
preferred processes for handling them so they can be addressed inconsistently
and with uneven effectiveness. If not detected and handled effectively,
exceptions can thus result in severe impacts on the cost and schedule performance
of process enactment systems.
Workflow systems are currently ill-suited to dealing with exceptions.
These systems typically institutionalize a more or less idealized preferred
process. When exceptions do occur we are often forced to "go behind
the workflow system's back", making the system more of a liability
than an asset. Workflow models can, of course, include conditional branches
to deal with anticipated exceptions. Current process modeling methodologies
and tools ((Grover and Kettinger 1995) (Harrington 1991) (Kettinger, Guha
et al. 1995) (Davenport 1993) (Hammer and Champy 1993)) do not, however,
make any provision for describing exception handling procedures separately
from "main-line" processing. Inclusion of exception handling
branches, therefore, can greatly complicate process models and obscure
the "preferred" process, making it difficult to define, understand,
and modify. Up-front prescription of exception handling can also reduce
or eliminate the discretion workflow participants in precisely the cases
most likely to profit from individual attention. Current workflow modeling
methods provide, in addition, no support for uncovering what kinds of exceptions
can occur in a given process model, and how they can be resolved.
This paper describes a knowledge-based approach to meeting these challenges.
The sections below will discuss how this approach works, what it contributes
to previous research in this area, and how we plan to extend this work
in the future.
The approach described here integrates and extends two long-standing
lines of research: one addressing coordination science principles about
how to represent and utilize process knowledge, another addressing how
artificial intelligence techniques can be applied to detecting and resolving
conflicts in collaborative design settings:
One component is a body of work pursued over the past five years by
the Process Handbook project at the MIT Center for Coordination Science
(Malone, Crowston et al. 1993; Dellarocas, Lee et al. 1994; Malone and
Crowston 1994) (Malone, Crowston et al. 1997). The goal of this
project is to produce a repository of process knowledge and associated
tools/techniques that help people to (among other things) better redesign
organizational processes, learn about organizations, and automatically
generate software. The Handbook database continues to grow and currently
includes over 4000 models covering a broad range of business processes.
We have developed a mature Windows-based tool for editing the Handbook
database contents, as well as a Web-based tool for read-only access. Both
are being actively used by a highly distributed set of scientists, students
and sponsors from government and industry. A key insight from this work
is that a repository of business process templates, structured as a taxonomy,
can help people design qualitatively more innovative processes more quickly
by allowing them to retrieve, contrast and customize interesting examples,
make "distant analogies", and utilize "recombinant"
(mix-and-match) design techniques (Herman, Klein et al. 1998).
The other key component of this work is nearly a decade of development
and evaluation of systems for handling multi-agent conflicts in collaborative
design (Klein 1989; Klein 1991; Klein 1993) and collaborative requirements
capture (Klein 1997). This work resulted in principles and technology for
automatically detecting, diagnosing and resolving design conflicts between
both human and computational agents, building upon a knowledge base of
roughly 300 conflict types and resolution strategies. This technology has
been applied successfully in several domains including architectural, local
area network and fluid sensor design. A key insight from this work is that
design conflicts can be detected and resolved using a knowledge base of
generic and highly reusable conflict management strategies, structured
using diagnostic principles originally applied to medical expert systems.
Our experience to date suggests that this knowledge is relatively easy
to acquire and can be applied unchanged to multiple domains.
The work described in this paper integrates and extends these two lines
of research in an innovative and, we believe, powerful way. The central
insights underlying this integration are that (1) workflow exceptions can
be handled by generalizing the diagnostic algorithms and knowledge base
underlying design conflict management (a conflict, after all, is just one
subclass of process exception), and (2) the exception handling knowledge
base can be captured as a set of process templates that can be retrieved,
compared and customized using the principles embodied in the Process Handbook.
The result of this integration is an approach that allows workflow designers
and participants to better take advantage of insights collected from a
wide range of experts and domains when trying to determine what exceptions
can occur in their process, as well as how such exceptions can be detected,
diagnosed and resolved. These points will be discussed in detail in the
following sections.
The first step is for a workflow designer to determine, for a given
"ideal" workflow, the ways that the process may fail and then
"instrument" the workflow so that these failures can be detected.
This can be done via inheritance of failure modes down a process taxonomy.
A process taxonomy can be defined as a hierarchy of process templates,
with very generic processes at the top and increasingly specialized
processes below. Each process can have attributes, e.g. that define the
challenges for which it is well-suited. Note that process specialization
is different from decomposition, which involves breaking a process
down ("decomposing" it) into subactivities. While a subactivity
represents a part of a process; a specialization represents a "subtype"
or "way of" doing the process (Malone, Crowston et al. 1997).
For illustrative purposes let us consider a small process taxonomy consisting of the following templates:
Figure 1. An Example of a Generic Process Taxonomy with Failure
These templates are annotated with the ways in which they can fail,
i.e. with their characteristic exception types. Our work to has
revealed that a wide range of exception types exist (Klein 1997). Exceptions
result, in general, from violations of some (implicit or explicit) assumption
underlying a workflow model and can include changes in resources, organizational
structure, policies, task requirements or task priority. They can also
include incorrectly performed tasks, resource contentions between two or
more distinct processes, unforeseen opportunities to merge or eliminate
tasks, conflicts between actions taken in different process steps and so
Failure modes for a given process template can be uncovered using failure
mode analysis (Raheja 1990). It is typical, for example, for process steps
to require outputs produced by other steps. The processes for managing
such "flow" dependencies need to make sure that the right thing
gets to the right place at the right time (Malone and Crowston 1994). This
immediately implies a set of possible failure modes including an input
being late ("wrong time"), of the wrong type ("wrong thing")
and so on. Similar analyses have been done for other process templates,
such as resource sharing, diagnosis, order fulfillment, and so on.
We are now ready to see how the failure modes for a given workflow process
can be identified. Consider the following process:
Figure 2. An Example Workflow Process.
This workflow consists of a subprocess for allocating design tasks (performed
in this case by a human manager), a subprocess for allocating shared resources
such as mainframe computer time to design groups (handled on a first-come
first-serve basis), followed by subprocesses where the different subcomponent
designs are consolidated and then sent on to be manufactured, delivered,
and inspected by the customer.
To identify failure modes we need only identify the generic process
templates that match (components of) the workflow model. The potentially
applicable exception types will then consist of the union of the failure
modes inherited from the matching templates. We can see, for example, that
the "distribute shared design resources" subprocess in Figure
2 is a subtype of the generic "pull-based sharing" process template
in Figure 1, since the resources are "pulled" by their consumers
rather than "pushed" (i.e. allocated) by their producers. This
template includes among its characteristic failure modes the exception
called "poaching", wherein resources go disproportionately to
lower-priority tasks because agent(s) with lower priority tasks happen
to reserve them first. The "consolidate sub-designs" subprocess
is a specialization of the "manage fit" template and thereby
inherits the "design conflict" failure mode. The "deliver
product" subprocess is a specialization of the "manage flow"
template, with characteristic exceptions such as "item delayed",
"item misrouted" and so on. All the subprocesses also inherit
the characteristic failure modes from the generalizations of these matching
templates, such as "responsible agent is unavailable", and so
The workflow designer can select, from this list of possible exception
types, the ones that seem most important in his/her particular context.
He/she might know, for example, that the "deliver product" process
is already highly robust and that there is no need to augment it with additional
exception handling capabilities.
For each exception type of interest, the workflow designer can then
decide how to augment the workflow models in order to detect these exceptions.
While processes can fail in many different ways, such failures have a relatively
limited number of different manifestations, including missed deadlines,
violations of artifact constraints, exceeding resource limits, and so on.
Every exception type includes pointers to "exception detection"
process templates in the Handbook repository that specify how to detect
the symptoms manifested by that exception type. These templates, once interleaved
into the workflow by the workflow designer, play the role of "sentinels"
that check for signs of actual or impending failure. The template for detecting
the "resource poaching" exception, for example, operates by comparing
the average priority of tasks that quickly receive shared resources against
the average priority of all tasks. The "item delayed", "agent
unavailable", and "item misrouted" exceptions can all be
detected using time-out mechanisms. The "design conflict" exception
type can be detected by techniques such as constraint propagation and geometric
feature overlap detection, depending on the nature of the conflicts being
looked for.
The next step is to figure out how to react when an exception actually
occurs during the enactment of the workflow process. Just as in medical
domains, selecting an appropriate intervention requires understanding the
underlying cause of the problem, i.e. its diagnosis. A key challenge
here, however, is that the symptoms revealed by the exception detection
processes can suggest a wide variety of possible underlying causes. Many
different exceptions (e.g. "agent not available", "item
misrouted" etc.) typically manifest themselves, for example, as missed
We have found that a heuristic classification approach (Clancey 1984) is well-suited to this challenge. This approach works by traversing a diagnosis taxonomy. Exception types can be arranged into a taxonomy ranging from highly general failure modes at the top to more specific ones at the bottom; every exception type includes a set of defining characteristics that need to be true in order to make that diagnosis potentially applicable to the current situation (Figure 3):
Figure 3. A Subset of the Exception Type Taxonomy.
When an exception is detected, the responsible workflow participant
traverses the exception type taxonomy top-down like a decision tree, starting
from the diagnoses implied by the manifest symptoms and iteratively refining
the specificity of the diagnoses by eliminating exception types whose defining
characteristics are not satisfied. Distinguishing among candidate diagnosis
will often require that the user get additional information about the current
exception and its context, just as medical diagnosis often involves performing
additional tests.
Imagine, for example, that we have detected a time-out exception in
the "transport product" step. The diagnoses that can manifest
this way include "agent unavailable", "item misrouted",
and "item delayed". The defining characteristics of these exceptions
agent unavailable: agent responsible for task is unavailable
(i.e. sick, on vacation, retired ...)
item misrouted: current location and/or destination of item not
match original target destination
item delayed: item has correct target destination but is behind
original schedule
The user then has a specific set of questions that he/she can ask in
order to narrow down the exception diagnosis. If the appropriate information
is available on-line, then answering such questions and thereby eliminating
some diagnoses can potentially be automated.
We have found that a relatively small set of question types get used
again and again when describing the defining characteristics for different
exception types. Examples include questions about the status of a task,
the status of a resource, the rationale for a task (e.g. its underlying
goals) and so on. We have formalized this set of questions into what we
call the "query language" (Klein 1989) (Klein 1993). We are working
towards the goal of defining a fully capable query language that will be
simple enough to allow substantial automation of the exception diagnosis
process, i.e. where most or all questions are answerable by software systems.
This has the advantage of reducing the "cost of admission" for
computer-based agents as participants in robust workflow systems; these
agents need not have sophisticated individual exception handling capabilities
but need merely be able to respond to a basic set of queries (an "action
language", as we shall see, will also be necessary).
Heuristic classification is a "shallow model" (Chandrasekaran
and Mittal 1983) form of diagnosis because it is based on compiled empirical
and heuristic expertise rather than first principles. This approach is
appropriate for domains, such as medical diagnosis, where complete and
consistent behavioral models do not exist. This, I would argue, is also
true for workflows with human and complex software agents. An important
characteristic of heuristic classification is that the diagnoses represent
hypotheses rather than guaranteed deductions: multiple diagnoses
may be suggested by the same symptoms, and often the only way to verify
a diagnosis is to see if the associated prescriptions are effective.
Once an exception has been detected and at least tentatively diagnosed,
one is ready to define an prescription that resolves the exception
and returns the workflow to a viable state. This can be achieved, in our
approach, by selecting and instantiating one of the generic exception resolution
strategies that are associated with the hypothesized diagnosis. These strategies
are processes like any other, are captured in a portion of the process
taxonomy, and are annotated with attributes defining the preconditions
(expressed using the query language) that must be satisfied for that strategy
to be applicable. We have accumulated roughly 200 such strategies to date,
including for example:
Since an exception can have several possible resolutions, each suitable for different situations, we use a procedure identical to that used in diagnosis to find the right one. Imagine, for example, that we want a resolution for the diagnosis "agent unavailable". We start at the root of the process resolution taxonomy branch associated with that diagnosis (Figure 4):
Figure 4. A Fragment of the Resolution Process Taxonomy.
Three specific strategies are available, with the following preconditions
and actions:
wait till agent available: IF the original agent will be available
in time to complete the task on the current schedule THEN wait for original
agent to start task
find new agent with same skills: IF another agent with the same
skills is available, THEN assign task to that agent
change task to meet available skills: IF the task can be performed
a different way using skills of agents we have currently available THEN
modify the task and re-assign it accordingly
The system user can prune suggested strategies based on which preconditions
are satisfied, select from the remainder the one he/she wants, and either
enact the strategy as is or customize it as appropriate, for example using
the Process Handbook techniques mentioned above (Herman, Klein et al. 1998).
Note that the substantial input may be needed from the user in some cases
in order to instantiate a strategy into specific actions.
We have identified a small core set of meta-level operations that have
proven adequate to expressing all exception resolution strategies we have
encountered. These operations constitute what we call the "action
language" and include such primitives as "try different plan
for goal", "insert/delete process steps", "insert/delete
resource assignment" and so on. As with the query language, a compact,
well-defined and fully expressive action language raises the possibility
of more fully automating the exception resolution process and reduces the
"cost of admission" for including computer-based agents in robust
workflow systems.
Our exception handling approach can be summarized as follows (Figure
Figure 5. Summary of Exception Management Approach.
A "preferred" workflow model is checked at design time, using
a generic process taxonomy augmented with failure mode information, to
see the ways it can fail. It is then augmented with "sentinels"
that check for manifestations of these exceptions. When the process is
enacted, these sentinels flag any exception manifestations ("symptoms")
that they encounter. The notified workflow participant can then use the
Handbook's knowledge base of exception types and associated resolution
strategies to uncover the underlying cause for the problem, and select
a strategy for responding appropriately. The user then enacts the strategy,
making changes that allow the workflow process to continue.
The approach described herein therefore avoids, as we can see, the key
problems that have traditionally faced workflow designers and users:
The ideas described in this paper constitute, we believe, a substantive
and novel contribution to previous efforts on exception handling, which
have been pursued in the context of workflow (Kunin 1982; Kreifelts and
Woetzel 1987; Auramaki and Leppanen 1989; Karbe and Ramsberger 1990; Strong
1992; Mi and Scacchi 1993) manufacturing control (Parthasarathy 1989; Katz
1993; Visser 1995), model-based fault diagnosis (deKleer and Williams 1986;
Krishnamurthi and Jr. 1989; Birnbaum, Collins et al. 1990; Friedrich, Gottlob
et al. 1990), planning (Broverman and Croft 1987; Birnbaum, Collins et
al. 1990) (Sussman 1973) (Goldstein 1975), and failure mode analysis research
(Raheja 1990). The workflow and manufacturing work, in general, has not
evolved to the point of constituting a computational model, has been applied
to few domains (mainly software engineering and flexible manufacturing
cell control) and/or has addressed a small handful of exception types.
The planning work, by contrast, has developed a range of computational
models but they are only applicable if the planning technology was used
to develop the original work process. This is typically not the case for
workflow settings where processes are defined by people rather than planning
tools. Model-based fault diagnosis approaches use a single generic algorithm
to uncover the causes of faults in a system without the need for a knowledge
base of failure modes and resolution heuristics. This approach is predicated,
however, on the availability of a complete and correct model of the system's
behavior, which is possible for some domains (e.g. the analysis of electrical
circuits) but not for many others including, I would argue, most collaborative
work settings that include human beings and/or complex computer systems
as participants. Model-based fault diagnosis also typically assumes that
resolution, once a fault has been diagnosed, is trivial (e.g. just replace
the faulty component) and thus does not provide context-specific suggestions
for how to resolve the problem. Current work on failure mode analysis describes
a systematic process, but the actual work must be done by people based
on their experience and intuitions. This is potentially quite expensive,
to the extent that this analysis is rarely done, and can miss important
failure modes due to limitations in the experience of the analyst(s) (Raheja
Our approach improves on these previous efforts in several important
The collection of exception handling expertise we are acquiring has
not been applied, in its current form within the Process Handbook, to support
substantive real-world exception handling (see section 2 above for a discussion
of our experience with previous versions of this knowledge base). One key
next step, therefore, is to evaluate and extend the Handbook-based incarnation
of these ideas in the context of a real or simulated workflows in multiple
We also intend to explore the use of more sophisticated diagnosis algorithms,
e.g. that take account of previous failed resolutions in determining a
diagnosis, and are capable of handling multiple simultaneous exceptions.
Another direction will be to use the knowledge base of exception resolution
strategies to allow workflow designers to more effectively define exception
resolution behavior up-front, thereby exploring the tradeoff between the
flexibility of run-time resolution and the predictability of design-time
prescription of resolution behavior.
For further information about our work, see the Adaptive Systems and
Evolutionary Software web site at
For further information on the Process Handbook, see
I'd like to thank Chris Dellarocas, Avi Bernstein and the other members
of the MIT Adaptive Systems and Evolutionary Software research group, as
well as the members of MIT Center for Coordination Science, for their invaluable
contributions to the ideas underlying this paper.
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